Why hCG Diets Weightloss Stories Are Important?
Know More hCG Success Stories
hCG diet success stories is something everyone needs to take an extra step to good physical contours and make wise decision on getting his body in good shape and reaching a high level of healthy physical fitness.
We have found a real need within the obese community. Reason why, we develop a special weightloss stories program with enough examples and testimonials to be posted here.
All this hCG diet success stories serves as inspirational to all those while still in great doubt to take the fist step toward a healthy way of living.
This is our contribution to ignorance and lack of decision makers within our country who do not really care about obesity and your own health.
Your health is your own responsibility. To accomplish a hCG diet success story, whether you take it alone or under the supervision of a physician - which is your best bet - keeping your good health is still your sole responsibility. You need to follow their guidelines.
First hCG Diet Success Stories
My name is Denisse and I would like to share my hCG diet success stories experience before recommending hCG obesity treatment to anyone.
I consider myself a normal person who loves to eat, don’t work out and don’t like diets, but I'm conscious of my weight and I have never wanted to exceed a limit until it happened in December 2008.
In my past years due to my high metabolism I have been able to eat everything I wanted, without gaining too much weight. The only reflection of how bad I was eating was showing just on my face with my acne.
Concerning my weight loss stories, once I hit 30's I realized that if I didn't change my eating habits I couldn't expect to maintain the same weight and using the same size.

Get Your hCG Diet Recipes Book Now!
You are 45 seconds away from the most amazingly effective hCG weight loss opportunity to save thousands of dollars with the pain-free, easiest way to gradually loss your weight from 1 to 3 pounds per day.
The hCG Diet Recipes Book "Clean and Healthy Eating for Life" we are ready to publish is the first of his kind on hCG recipes for keeping up with the hCG diet protocol phase 3 of the whole weight loss program.
To find out more about clean and healthy eating and to receive the monthly hCG advisor Newsletter I am providing this special hCG Diet Recipes Book totally free to subscribers.
Before printing, only 100 copies of this hCG diet recipes book will be given for free! If you are interested to have whether a hard copy or soft copy of this revolutionary hCG diet recipes book you should register now!
hCG Diet Success Stories Requires Motivation
On January 1st. of 2009, I woke up and I looked myself in the mirror with not clothes. I was not happy of what I was seeing and I thought
"why do I look like this if I have enough time to work out and a gym?" - I realized that I needed strong motivation to start.
That same day, I decided to go to the gym and search for diet options online. My workout routine was cardio for 20 minutes, weight lifting for 20 minutes.
The second day the same, and the third day I stopped because I felt lazy and I preferred stay at home watching TV and that was the end of my exercise motivation.
Does this sound like you? This is just one more time I started and finished in a couple of day...that was the end of my weightloss stories's exercise motivation.
Tired of Hard To Find Weight Loss Choices?
Then I decided to follow up a diet so I can see results fast. I knew that if I see fast results, I can keep myself motivated. I couldn't find one that I like.
Tracking points? I don’t like the system of tracking points. On that day I didn't decide for any diet, they seem too complex and I didn't like any of them.
Then I decided to search for weight loss medicines. I figured, this can also help to motivate me.
I spent hours on the internet researching for pills to burn fat and to lose weight with no results.
There were too many options available and I didn't know what to buy. I knew that I needed some help, so I decided to go to health store and I looked around for more than 20 minutes.
Well, no hCG diet success stories to tell. It was just the same as online, many choices and not sure what to buy. What a mess!
Searching for Help - What's Weightloss Goals?
So I walked to the counter for help, and I saw this guy 6.2 tall and very muscular and I asked him if he can help me.
Since he was muscular and look in shape I figured he would know exactly what I needed.
So he asked me - what my goal was?, and I said: - "to lose some weight."
Well - he first suggested that I needed to have a clean diet, rich in proteins to stimulate muscle growth and fat loss and in addition he recommended me a fat loss energy buster pills.
After talking with him I was very excited. I thought I found the solution.
So the very next day I started taking the pills...but I didn't work out at all, I was too lazy to go to the gym.
The medicines were giving me more energy so I was super active during all day long but I was still not going to the gym.
After 1 week I didn't see any weight loss results and I decided to stop using the pills.
I was very disappointed, but I knew that if I didn't exercise just the pills were not going to help me.
hCG Weightloss Success Stories By Yourself
During week 2 I decided to start my own diet. I started buying more vegetables and fruits and eat small portions even if I was going out to eat.
After 2 weeks, yes I saw some weight loss approximately 3 pounds, but I felt very tired, sleepy and, didn’t have enough energy.
But I thought it is because I'm not exercising and/or not resting enough because I was going to bed every night too late but I really thought I was eating healthier.
My Weight Loss Story - More Help Needed
I decided to go to the health store again to look for the muscular tall guy who recommended me the pills earlier. I wanted to ask him if he can help me.
I didn't find him in the store, but the lady that was in the counter told me that he was a trainer and nutritionist so I got his business card.
I decided to call him to see if he can train me. On that night we set 3 hours per week and this is when my hCG diet success stories life changed forever and let me tell you why.
First Weight Loss Story Training Day
First training day I started training. He took measurements and pictures the first day so I can see the results every month.
He also asked me to give him a log of all food I was eating for 2 weeks, so he can understand my eating habits.
The next days were very motivating and challenging. He provided me with diverse and entertain exercises so I never got bored. I was looking forward to each day every week.
After 2 weeks, he evaluated the food logs I provided and he told me the following:
First, you're eating habits are terrible, you are in a 900-1000 calories diet per day which is causing your body to starve.
Then your body think you are not giving him enough food and accumulate fat to survive in the future.
I finally understood why I was feeling tired, and sleepy all the time, I didn't have enough combustible for my body.
Then he told me - "If you do everything I said, you will see results you want." - I'll never forget those words.
Next, he recommended me a new diet, rich in proteins, low in fat and low in carbohydrates, a maximum of 1800 calories per day according to my height and weight and 5 meals per day.
The Weightloss Story Challenge Started
The challenge started, I had to increase my calories to double...and eat 5 times per day.
I started following this program, at first I felt I was eating a lot. I wasn't hungry 5 times per day but I had to eat. I felt full most of the time.
Another challenge was to track the food and be exact with the carb, fat and proteins.
This was a lot of work, I asked myself, how am I going to count everything I eat and be exact?
To make it easier, I downloaded an application in my Iphone called "Livestrong" which provides a tool to log in what you eat during the day and tell you how many calories it contains.
It also provides you reports per day per units of carbohydrates, fat and protein.
My hCG diet success stories to tell? It became very easy and then after 2 weeks, I learned which food contains more proteins and I continue training.
The First 2 Weeks of Weight Loss Training
The first 2 weeks of training, I was very sore. I couldn't go up the stairs without pain, my legs, abs, arms were hurting because of my work outs.
I love the pain because I knew it was because of my muscles were getting used to work out.
After the first month, yes, I took measurements and pictures again. I couldn't see big improvements in the pictures, but I saw some changes in the measurements.
Even if the pictures were not telling me a lot, I was thinking positively, I was feeling energetic, I was building endurance, I was able to do exercises easily with no more pain and more weight.
To make it short, in general I was seeing the changes within myself!
I figured out I was becoming more fit.
Weight Loss Stories Recommendations
My trainer told me that I needed to do more cardio to see more fat loss results, so he added 20 min of cardio every day from that day on.
He also reduced my calories to 1600 per day and higher percent of protein.
I followed the program and the second month arrived. I took pictures and measurements again and yes, I was able to see the results in the pictures and measurements.
I compared the very first pictures...and it was amazing. I was also seeing changes in my own life.
What a surprise! All the clothes that I bought recently were super loose.
I opened my clothes from the boxes and yes, all of them were fitting me again...I was sooo happy!!!
My Personal hCG Diet Success Story
How I Got Started with hCG?
My trainer started talking me about this medicine that everybody is using called "hCG", so I started doing a lot of research.
I read a lot of testimonials, hCG diet success stories and I go excited and I wanted to try it myself.
I know that if I try it, my sisters and family "they are obese" would like to try them too, but I want to feel confident before I recommend it to anybody.
I will be sharing my own experience to you starting Monday, April 20th, 2009.
I want you to motivate yourself as you read my own experience day by day.
I want you to see my results, so I will post pictures before and after as well as my measurements.
I already have the hCG and the oral hCG sublingual formula in my hands waiting for me to start on Monday, April 20th, 2009.
I will keep my weight and measurements log up to day and I will share these with you.
I will be taking pictures every week. I want to look good in a very short period of time, and I will continue to work out with my trainer.
The hCG Diet Maintenance Phase
After the 21 days hCG diet, there is a maintenance phase which it is the most important of all. If I follow step by step the maintenance phase, I will reset my "hypothalamus" - "which it will allow me to maintain my new weight loss goal."
I'm very excited to start this new hCG diet and share my own hcg diet success stories experience...I hope you can follow it and motivate you to start it too.
Now, feel yourself invited to see my hCG diet success stories experience on April 21, after the first day.
Today hCG Diet Success Story Thought
"You cannot expect different results if you keep doing the same things. You need to change in order to see different outcome."
Don't be sorry to yourself. Wouldn't be nice to share your hCG diet success stories?
Subscribe now to learn more typical results of the hCG diet success stories and an oral hCG diet plan that effectively works.
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Summary Resume After 21 Days - Oral hCG Phase 1
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