Start hCG
When To Start hCG for Weight Loss
Start hCG Using hCG Sublingual Diet
You should start hCG diet program for weight loss if you feel overwhelmed for being overweight. Obesity is an abnormal condition of your body. Is your body shouting for a final healing cure of excess weight.
And you should not worry about it anymore. If you follow the hCG sublingual diet correctly you will succeed and accomplish the figure of your dreams.
The most critical thing is when to start the hCG program? You should start hCG when you feel confident and exceptionally wanting to have a permanent change on your physical contours.
If you are interested in using hCG for the first time we recommend you to check HCG diet step by step guide first, it is down below. In addition, carefully read the instructions you will find it is best to start hCG diet during the first week of any month so you will have better control of your day's cycles.
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When Does hCG Start?
In order to start hCG is important to be fully prepared with all the tools, materials and information you will need along the phases of the hCG diet program. Here is the HCG diet step by step food list to start with.
To make it easy for you, the whole hCG weight loss program using oral sublingual hCG is basically on 2 phases of 21 days each.
If you are still thinking on when does hCG start is when you take a serious decision analyzing that "you want to have a definitive physical change and a new figure for life."
Once you decide when you must take account of what we are providing here. We include all the necessary items you must have when you get ready. Please, follow this hCG preparation guide.
Preparing Yourself for Phase 1
Or hCG Sublingual Diet
Once you order the hCG sublingual Diet you need to prepare yourself. Preparing yourself ahead of time, will motivate you to start the diet right away once you receive the product.
I suggest buying the following items if you don't have them:
1.- A bathroom scale capable of weighting to the second decimal place for example: 145.25 lbs. You will need to weight yourself daily so you can see the amazing results.

2.- A food scale capable of weight in ounces. This is to measure the food allowed to consume during this phase.
For example the hCG diet includes 6 oz. of chicken breast or 4 oz. of turkey. I highly recommend having a digital food scale to measure the food allowed during this 21 days.

3.- A metric tape so you can take measurements every week so you can track your weight loss in inches.
For example, you can take measurements in your chest, arms, neck, waist, legs, hips and anywhere you would like.
You will feel so motivated to see the inches lost on paper. Keep your log weekly and you will be astonished by the results

4.- A camera so you can take pictures to yourself the 1st, 7th, 14th, and 21st day during the hCG diet.I would recommend you to take the pictures with the same background and distance so you can compare them every week.
Put on your bikinis and take pictures sideways, front and back and you will see the amazing results every 7 days.

5.- You are encouraged to use a good dietary supplement while on the diet phase.
Start hCG with Your Copy of hCG Diet Recipes Book Now!
You are 45 seconds away to start hCG diet with the pain-free, easiest way to gradually loss your weight from 1 to 3 pounds per day.
Wouldn't be nice to start hCG perfectly with a copy of the hCG Diet Recipes Book "Clean and Healthy Eating for Life"?
We are ready to publish and is the first of his kind on hCG recipes for keeping up with the hCG diet protocol phase 3 of the whole weight loss program.
To find out more about clean and healthy eating and to receive the monthly hCG advisor Newsletter I am providingthis special hCG Diet Recipes Book totally free to all our new subscribers.
Before printing, only 100 copies of this hCG diet recipes book . If you are interested to have whether a electronic copy of this revolutionary hCG diet recipes book you should register now!
Start hCG Now!
Remember you don't need to work out to lose weight during the hCG diet, but it will be good if you would like to start.
If you are currently working out, you don't need to stop, just continue with your current work out program.
During the 21 days hCG sublingual diet it is very important to follow the list of what to eat and what not to eat which it is provided when you purchase the hCG diet.
If you are ready to start hCG weight loss diet to lose 1 to 3 pounds per day, just click here and order it now.
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