hCG Weight Loss Success Stories
How I Finally Achieved My Ideal Body
"Here's How I Lost 10 Pounds of Body Fat In Just 3 Weeks By Using hCG Sublingual Diet"
hCG success stories are good motivational sources for people interested in hCG oral formula diets. Much more when they are exceptional results in relation to previously established weight loss goals.
We have been repeating this very often. To have reliable hCG success stories to tell and share setting goals at the beginning of the diet program is of utmost importance.
Let's read and enjoy the Denisse's summary description of how the phase 1 of the hCG diet program came out. Here is another hCG success stories to share.
hCG Diet Success Stories:
"Fat Is Not Weight and Weight Is Not Fat"
Dear friends,
Hi, I am Dennise, and on January 1st of 2009 I woke up and I looked myself in the mirror. I was not happy of what I was seeing and I thought "why do I look like this if I have enough time to work out and a gym?" - I realized that I needed strong motivation to start.
That same day, I decided to go to the gym and search for diet options online. My workout routine was cardio for 20 minutes, weight lifting for 20 minutes.
The second day the same, and the third day I stopped because I preferred stay at home watching TV and that was the end of my exercise motivation.
Does this sound like you? This is just one more time I started and finished in a couple of days...that was the end of my weight loss hCG success stories stories of exercise motivation.
I know there are so many diets online and in the stores. You keep buying them, thinking that this will make you have the ideal body, keep spending a lot of money and you don't change your eating habits and don't exercise.
How can we expect other results if we keep doing the same thing? That was me until I decided to try the hCG sublingual Weight loss diet.
This is my true hCG success story of how I went from depressed and overweight to having an amazing body with the help of this hcg sublingual diet.

Before and After
I lost 9 inches on my legs, 5 inches on my waist, I lost my love handles. Look at the space between my waist and arms. I move from size 10 to 6 in just 3 weeks.
Yep, that was me at left with 155 pounds and right at 142 pounds with my new body. I lost a total of 13 pounds, 3 pounds just doing exercise for 8 weeks and 10 pounds on oral hCG formula phase 1 weight loss diet just in 3 weeks, 21 days!
Can you see the big difference? If you just work out, it will take long time to see the results. With oral hCG I just needed 3 weeks to lose all that unwanted body fat.
This is why I would hate to see you leave before you read my hCG success story of how I did it. Bare with me.
How I Got Started With hCG?
I consider myself a normal person who loves to eat, don't work out and don't like diets, but I'm conscious of my weight and I have never wanted to exceed a limit until it happened in December 2008.
In my past years due to my high metabolism I have been able to eat everything I wanted without gaining too much weight. The only reflection of how bad I was eating was shown on my face with my acne.
Once I hit 30's I realized that if I didn't change my eating habits, I couldn't expect to maintain the same weight and using the same size of clothes.
I went from size 6 to size 10. I was very ashamed of myself because I believe I had a good figure but filled with fat everywhere. I had to stop wearing some clothes because they didn't fit me anymore. I couldn't believe I was size 10.
I felt terrible about myself, but didn't see how to change. I tried everything but I gave up because I wanted to see quick results.
Then one day, I decided to go to a health store and there was the guy that transformed my life, a nutritionist and trainer.
I hired him and he started teaching me how to eat and work out, then he introduced me to oral hCG formula weight loss diet. He didn't want me to use the hCG diet at the beginning so I can learn the difficulty of losing weight by just doing exercise.
He wanted to teach me healthy eating habits first to make my hCG success stories diet successful in the future. My trainer started talking me about this medicine that everybody is using called "hCG", so I started doing a lot of research.
I read a lot of testimonials and I got excited and I wanted to try it myself. I know that if I try it, my sisters and family "they are fat" would like to try them too, but I want to feel confident before I recommend it to anybody.

Before and After
Back rolls are gone; I lost 9 inches on my legs, 5 inches on my waist, 6 inches on my back. I move from size 10 to 6 in just 3 weeks.
hCG Success Stories:
Where All My Body Fat Went In 21 Days?
the oral hCG diet trick your body making him release the locked fat reserve as fuel. Your body thinks you are feeding the body with 2000 calories versus 500 calories.
This is why you keep losing fat and your skin adjusts to your body without losing muscle mass.
I went from 19% body fat to 13% in just 3 weeks. In addition, I lost 4 inches in my chest, 5 inches on my waist (from 34 to 29), I lost 6 inches on my back and the fat rolls I used to have disappeared. On my clothes I move from size 10 to size 6 in just 3 weeks...so I lost 4 sizes.
I had many learning's to share while doing this hCG diet success story:
- Read the hCG diet step by step. By mistake at the begining, I ate double of the portion allowed for red meats because I didn't read the menu well. I was digesting more than 500 calories allowed on the diet for 4 days.
- By mistake I was digesting ½ of the dosis of hCG for 2 weeks. Even with half of the dosis, I was able to lose 10 pounds. Imagine when you have the complete dosis?
- Prepare your food ahead of time and don't expose yourself to food that you are not allowed to eat during the hCG diet. Self control is important but you don't want to fail, so don't expose yourself.
- While on the diet, keep looking yourself in the mirror to note and observe changes. I was able to see my rolls disappearing one by one, my nails getting stronger, my knee pain disappearing, the skin around my belly tiding up. Keep looking for more changes to keep youself motivated.
- If you are a woman, you need to know that due to menstruation cycles, you can gain from 1 up to 6 pounds in a week. This is normal for women and you just need to follow the hCG diet. Once the monthly period is over you will see a sudden weight loss drop because the water retained will be gone.
- Tell your friends and family that you are using the hCG formula to lose body fat, they will support you and you will feel more passionate to continue.
hCG Success Stories:
My Amazing Results After 21 Days - Phase 1
I dropped 13 pounds in just 3 weeks using half of the hCG dosis. The average for people is losing 1 to 3 pounds per day with full dosis. There were some days that I lost 3 pounds and others just ½ or 1.5 per day.
I'm currently on my hCG maintenance phase 2 where my hypothalamus will reset to my new weight. I keep working out very hard, because I want to become a bodybuilder or a bikini model.
I feel healthier and more refreshed than ever. I'm an absolute powerhouse at work and even after a hard day at the office, I've still got plenty of energy left to go out with friends.
I love the way I look now, and feel sexier then I have in years.
I encourage you to start this hCG oral formula diet soon, and you will be doing the best investment in your life. I'm grateful of having this opportunity in my life and I'm sharing it with my family, friends and you. Wouldn't be nice sharing more hCG success stories?
I just bought an additional 4 hCG sublingual diets and shipped to my family. They supported me on these 21 days and now it is their turn to live these amazing results.
I hope that my story gives you some hope and motivation to lose weight too. Losing the excess weight has changed my life in ways that I never imagined it could. I know that if I can do it, you can too. Try it to tell more hCG success stories here!
Don't give up, because losing this weight is possible! I would recommend everyone trying the hCG sublingual diet - "Pain Free" that I used, it worked for me when nothing else did. I lost the weight I expected in my first day's goals. I hope you enjoyed my hCG success story.
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