hCG Success
Denisse Success On hCG Diet
hCG Success on Weight Loss
21 Days hCG Diet Experience Day by Day
Day 1, Monday
Today is my first day looking forward to hCG success with sublingual hCG. I woke up very excited this morning to try the hCG, brushed my teeth and then I applied the sublingual hCG formula under my thong.
The instructions for success stories diet mention that the formula needs to be applied ½ hour before drinking any liquids. The hCG sublingual didn't have any taste and it was easy to apply under the thong. It was absorbed very quickly within 5 minutes.
Then to ensure my hCG diet success I weighted myself and added the data into my log book. I waited for 30 minutes before I had something to drink and breakfast.
I have been hungry most of the day but I came prepared with fruits and healthy snacks just in case. I ate 2 portions of fruits and a granola bar through the afternoon after lunch.
The first and second day of the diet for hCG success stories I'm allowed to eat anything but preferred healthy food. In addition, I worked out in the gym with my trainer for 1 hour, took pictures and measurements to mark the starting point of my hCG diet.
I also had 1 cup of protein shake with water post work out to replenish the amino acid and carbohydrates lost during exercise.
The day is almost over and I'm ready to sleep, so I applied the second sublingual hCG formula under my thong and went to bed.
Day 2, Tuesday
Today was my second hCG success day with the hCG sublingual diet. I woke up with a lot of energy and I repeated the same process in the morning. I weighted myself and entered the data into my log book.
According the hCG success diet program, the first 2 days is extremely important to eat anything I want, but suggested to eat healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, olive oil etc.
Since tomorrow is the third day, I need to eat only the food listed on the hCG diet. I went to the supermarket and bought meats, vegetables and fruits exclusively from the hCG diet list.
I prepared them in containers and put them in the refrigerator ready to take them with me at work for the following 5 days.
Most of the day today, I felt with a lot of energy. Now I'm ready to take the second hCG sublingual dosis and go to bed. I’m looking forward to improving hCG success in seeing the results and share these with you at the end of the diet.
Day 3, Wednesday
Today was my first day following the hCG diet. In the morning I took my first hCG sublingual dosis and then is when the challenge started.
The diet guidelines ask me to have just coffee or water as breakfast...I was starving all morning. I had a lot of water and coffee.
I was looking forward to the lunch and visualizing the picture on how I was going to look after 21 days. I knew it was going to be harder at the beginning but I decided to not have any snack and stick with my hCG diet.
By the time lunch time came, I ate that grilled chicken and vegetables like never before. Then I ate my fruits and I was satisfied.
I still have 18 days more to go and I need to persevere. I meet with my trainer and nutritionist in the evening and l took my protein milk shake after work out.
I prepared some food for the next day and I hope I don't feel hungry as I did today. I love to eat but I know hcg diet is a sacrifice with extraordinary benefits.
I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and I'm ready to go to bed. Remember to be perseverance with the goal in mind.
Day 4, Thursday
Today it was an exciting day. In the morning I took my first hCG sublingual dosis, weighted myself and by surprise I lost 2 more pounds!!!
I was so happy, that early in the morning I started calling my family to tell them about the results and now everybody wants to try it.
I love it...I can't believe I lost 2 pounds on the first day of the hCG diet which it usually took me 1 week of exercise before. You need to try it too, this is amazing.
During the morning I got hungry but not as bad as the day before. I followed the hCG diet plan with the allowed food to eat and I made it through the day.
I miss some food, but I need to keep myself on the hCG diet especially now that I'm seeing fast results. I also printed some pictures of my "dream body" of someone else and put it in every mirror I have in the house as well as in the refrigerator.
I just want to focus in the goal and stick with the hCG sublingual diet. It is time for the second hCG sublingual dosis. I will keep you updated of the results.
Keeping a clear picture of the final reward help to keep yourself motivated.
Day 5, Friday
Today I repeated the same routine, took my first hCG sublingual dosis and by surprise again when I weighted myself I lost another 1.5 pounds. I started jumping in the bathroom of happiness.
hCG really works and it gives you quick results. I got a small headache today but 2 Tylenol pills took care of the problem.
I noticed today that the fat around my waist and back is disappearing. These are the sections where my body accumulates the fat and are the most difficult to get rid of.
I felt so happy all day long, I started telling my family again about the progress I'm making, my sister asked me for some pictures but I will share these until I'm done with the hCG diet.
The most satisfying results are coming from inside out, because even if people don't notice how much fat I have been losing.
I feel so happy just to see the results on my own by being able to wear those clothes that didn't fit me anymore, by looking myself in the mirror and seeing those belly rolls disappearing.
I also worked out today as usual and took my protein shake to replenish amino acid and carbohydrates lost during exercise.
I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and went strength to bed. I'm looking forward to the results at the end of first week on hCG diet.
Remember, the progress you see in the path to your goal, helps you gain confidence that you can achieve the goal.
Day 6, Saturday
Today I woke up with a lot of energy, repeated the same routine, took my first hCG sublingual dosis and I weighted myself.
I didn't notice any change in weight but I looked myself in the mirror and I noticed that one roll in my back completely disappeared.
I asked my trainer and he reinstated that fat is not weight and weight is not fat. Even if I don't see a drop in my weight I'm still burning fat.
This is why I have noticed that my back rolls are disappearing and I can see the skin tiding up around my waist.
The hCG diet is working great but it becomes a challenge when you are around people that don't care about what they eat.
To give you a specific example, today is Saturday and I went out to a restaurant and movies with some friends. Everybody order beer and French fries and burgers...and I order lean meat and vegetables as the hCG diet reinstate.
I felt like grabbing one potato fry or popcorn in the movie theater, but I knew that if I try at least one I won't be able to stop and all this week effort will be wasted.
So I told myself "DON’T EVEN TRY IT" many times and I was able to make it through. I felt out of place because everybody was enjoying their greasy food and beer.
My learning today was not to put myself in temptation again. So before I go out with friends I will need to be done with my hCG sublingual diet...14 days more to go.
When I came back home, I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and went to bed.
I will continue to stick with my hCG diet, I don't want to waste all the effort I have put for 7 days especially after seeing these amazing results.
Day 7, Sunday
Today I woke up and I took my first hCG sublingual dosis in the morning. I weighted myself as usual and another surprise, I lost 1/2 pound.
I'm very excited because I have never lost so many pounds in a week this fast in my life. I looked myself in the mirror and I can notice the progress and I feel great!
I started trying all my bikinis and love how they fit me now. They were very tide before, I was embarrassed just to look myself in the mirror before.
Now I feel great and happy, I like the changes I see. Im looking forward to summer now, so I can wear my bikinis.
One of the great benefits of the hCG diet is that your skin reshape even if you lose body fat very fast. There is not skin hanging anywhere, no need for plastic surgery or operations.
In the afternoon, I went to the supermarket and bought the food for the second week. I cooked and prepared the meals and put these in the refrigerator. They are ready for me to takes these to work every day.
It is better to prepare your food ahead of time, so when you are hungry, you don't grab any snacks that you may have that are not allowed in the hCG diet...you just eat what you have prepared.
I'm looking forward to take the measurements and pictures tomorrow for my first week with hCG diet.
I'm ready to go to bed; I just took my second hCG dosis. Looking forward to see the results tomorrow.
Day 8, Monday
Today I started my second week with hCG diet. As usual I took my first hCG sublingual dosis in the morning and I weighted myself.
I didn't see any change in my weight today. I asked my nutritionist and trainer if I should expect a change in my weight every day and he told me that each person is different.
Some do everyday some see changes at the beginning and some at the last days of the hCG diet. He told me to be patience and keep my diet as it is.
I took the pictures and measurements for my first week with hCG diet, and yes, I saw a lot of changes in my measurements around my waist, arms, and back.
By looking at the pictures, I also noticed some changes as well. I was impressed and very happy!!! In the afternoon I trained as every Monday and I took my protein shake to replenish the carbohydrates & amino acid lost.
Before going to bed I took my second hCG dosis and looking forward to see more results.
Remember do not give up even if you don't see changes in your weight because hCG is still burning fat and you can notice this by looking yourself in the mirror.
Day 9, Tuesday
Today in the morning I woke up a little tired because I couldn't sleep last night thinking about why I didn't see any weight loss in the morning.
My trainer and nutritionist told me not to worry but I was, I thought that I was probably not doing something right.
I took the first hCG sublingual dosis in the morning and then I started reading the hCG diet line by line. Then I noticed that a HUGE MISTAKE!!
Instead of eating 3 oz of meat I was eating 6 oz, I just assumed that all meats were 6oz because the hCG diet includes 6 oz of chicken. What a mistake!!!
This is probably why when I weighted myself I didn't notice a decrease in my weight the day before. So today I made sure I ate the right amounts and followed the hCG line by line.
I'm ready to go to bed, and I took my second hCG sublingual dosis. I'm looking forward to the results tomorrow.
Please don't make the same mistakes I did, READ THE DIET LINE BY LINE and make sure you follow it if you want to see results.
Day 10, Wednesday
Today it was an exciting day, the happiest ever since I started the hCG diet. I repeated the same routine in the morning and when I weighted myself I noticed that I lost 3 pounds!! In just one day...AMAZING!
I couldn't believe it...so I looked myself in the mirror and I can notice that my abs and legs muscles are showing up because the fat covering them is disappearing making my skin look thinner.
I'm very happy of the results I'm seeing so far. I dropped a size in just 10 days since I started the hCG diet. I encourage anybody to try this hCG diet, it is amazing!
I already have all my family and friends motivated to try it as well and many of them will start this very soon. In the afternoon I met with my nutritionist and trainer and he noticed some other changes. I.e. that the fat between my legs has been reduced and that the muscles in my tera spinal are well defined.
He took a picture of my back while working out and it is amazing! I compared this with the pictures I took on Monday and yes, the change is very noticeable.
After an hour of working out, I took my protein shake as usual and the second dosis of hCG sublingual serum just before going to bed.
Don't think it twice, just try the hCG diet! You will be astonished of the results! And you will feel more confident and happy.

These are the changes that Denise was talking about after she lost 3 pounds in just one day. As per her comments, her trainer noticed that rolls in her back were gone, making her tera spinal very well defined.
Day 11, Thursday
In the morning I took my first hCG sublingual serum and I weighted myself as usual. But something unexpected happened, I was 1 pound more.
I weighted myself again and again to make sure I was correct and yes, I increased 1 pound. Immediately I called my trainer and nutritionist and asked him why this happened to me.
His explanation was that woman can retain liquids due to hormonal changes in their bodies and maybe is related to my menstrual cycle which is coming soon.
Well, he told me not to worry, keep focus and continue with the hCG diet. I felt much better after talking with him. At first I thought I did something wrong but then I felt so relief.
With hCG you don't know what to expect, your body is a complicated mechanism that everything that you eat or do can affect the results.
In the afternoon I started looking at the pictures, and yes I was shocked with the results so far. My back looks so nice without rolls. I hated those rolls but I'm so glad they are gone!
Today I decide to be positive and yes, the good thing is that today I weight the same as 10 years ago, unbelievable! I thought I will never be that weight again.
I'm so looking forward to go shopping again once I'm done with hCG diet. All my clothes are loose. At night, I relaxed a bit and took my second hCG sublingual dosis.
Let's see what happen tomorrow! Remember to keep focus and keep yourself positive even when the immediate results are not great but the overall are!
Day 12, Friday
In the morning I took my first hCG sublingual serum and I weighted myself as usual. I lost an additional 1.5 pounds. I looked myself in mirror and I can see a very lean stomach, I'm so happy of the results so far.
This is the best diet I have tried to far. Not only because of the amazing results in the short period of time, but I feel with a lot of energy during the day and night that I don't feel I'm in a diet.
In the afternoon I started going through my closet and tried some nice dresses and clothes that I have not wear in a while because they were tide. Now they all fit me!!!
In addition the latest purchases doesn't fit me any longer, they are baggy and loose. In the afternoon I started looking at the pictures, and yes I start putting them together and sending them to my family and friends so they can see the results.
They are more motivated to try this diet. I will be posting my pictures on this web so you can see the extraordinary results that I got with hCG Sublingual Diet.
At night I didn't go out, I just decide to relax and read some books and took my second hCG sublingual dosis and went to bed.
To keep myself motivated I keep looking at the pictures of where I want to be at (model pictures I got from internet) and I can see myself closer and closer in reaching that goal.
Day 13, Saturday
In the morning I woke up with a lot of energy, I took my first sublingual dosis and as usual I weighted myself. My weight was still the same of the previous day.
But I started looking myself in the mirror again and yes, I can see some changes in my skin. The skin all around my stomach and back is tiding up.
I also noticed changes in my nails. They are growing faster and getting stronger. I also used to have a slight pain in my knee which has disappeared.
The skin in my face feel more moisturized. Why I never expected all of these changes, but I want to share this with you so you can pay attention to yourself once you are on this amazing diet.
Since I had the afternoon free, I decided to go shopping for my new size; I dropped 2 sizes since I started the diet.
I'm very happy with my new size and I feel great wearing clothes that I couldn't wear in the past. I even bought underwear because they don't fit me anymore; I dropped a size there also.
Once I got home with all my shopping bags, I ate dinner and took my hCG second sublingual dosis and went to bed.
Today was a great day because I treated myself with new clothes and a lot of people that knows me, started noticing the changes. I told to myself; keep it up girl, 7 more days to go. I can do it.
Day 14, Sunday
In the morning I woke up very late and took my first hCG sublingual dosis and I weighted myself. I'm still the same weight of the previous day.
I wonder if this is related to hormonal changes and retaining water. I will ask my nutritionist and trainer tomorrow and see what he says.
I looked at the pictures before and after again, and I'm very happy where I am today. I know I have 7 more days to go, but im very satisfied with the results I'm getting.
I want to share my experience with the whole world. I called many of my friends to tell them about this diet, and many of them are very interested in trying it.
I emailed the pictures also so they can see what I'm talking about. In the afternoon I cooked for Monday.
Remember it is very important if you can prepare your foods ahead of time and make sure you are following the hCG weigthloss diet step by step. Do not make exceptions!! Any change that you make can affect the end results.
At night, I relaxed a bit and took my second hCG sublingual dosis. Let's see what happen tomorrow!
Remember to follow the diet step by step and keep yourself motivated. Share your experience with the whole world if you can. Start with your family and friends.
Day 15, Monday
Today I started my third and last week with hCG. In the past days I haven't noticed any weight loss, but I have noticed a lot of changes all around my body because my skin is tiding up.
I still take the same hCG dosis twice a day and I train 3 days per week. My trainer and nutritionist encourage me to keep eating what is in the hCG weight loss diet.
Today I took pictures of my second week and measurements. I compared these with the first week and it is amazing.
To give you an example, I lost 3.25 inches in my waist, 3 inches in my chest, 5 inches in my back, and 2 inches in my ribs. I lost a total of 7.5 pounds in one week the healthy way and yes I have noticed a big improvement in my skin fold.
This is so impressive, because even before hCG I was working out hard and I never experienced these hCG success drastic changes in 3 months as I'm seeing with hCG in just 1 week.
I keep looking at the pictures and I'm happy with what I see and I'm looking forward for summer time to wear my bikinis.
In the afternoon I train as usual and yes, I ran 2 miles and weight lifting. I encourage you to work out while doing the hCG diet to keep yourself motivated.
The muscles are coming out because the skin is becoming thinner and thinner. I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and went to bed.
Motivate yourself to start now with hCG and start exercising so you can have an active life and a better quality of life.
Day 16, Tuesday
I woke up very early today before my alarm went off. I don't know why but the excitement of what to expect in the morning is so strong that I woke up early.
I weighted myself and I was the same weight. I always look myself in the mirror to look for changes. Today I noticed that the fat around my arms is being reduced and the muscles are showing up better.
Then I looked at my love handles and try to grab them, is becoming more difficult because the fat is gone and there is almost nothing left.
In addition I took my first sublingual hCG dosis and went to work. In the afternoon, I decided to go to supermarket to get the food for the week.
I decided to try new things from the hCG diet menu. So I bought other vegetables that I never cooked before and meats. I made grilled fajitas with 3 types of peppers and zucchini, it was so delicious that I left some in the fridge for the next day.
Remember for you best hCG success that you need to follow the hCG diet menu strictly, which tells you just to get 3.5 ounces of steak, so this is what I had.
I thought about writing what I eat every meal, so I can share this with my family and friends to help them while they do the hcg diet.
In the afternoon I felt a little tired because of waking up early this morning. I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and I went to bed.
Remember to try to keep the menu delightful and taste so you don't have the desire to try snacks or other items that are not in the menu. Just focus on hCG success in the hCG menu and make it interesting for your appetite.
Day 17, Wednesday
This morning it was very exciting. I followed the directions my nutritionist and trainer asked me to and I didn't worry about my weight.
I took my first hCG sublingual dosis in the morning and what a surprise! I lost an additional 1.5 pounds!!! I weight myself again and again to make sure what I was reading it was right!
My trainer was right, I will be seeing changes even if I don't lose weight but there will be some days that yes, I will see my weight drop. I got so happy this morning, that I was smiling to everybody.
By surprise some coworkers asked me if I was losing weight because of my baggy pants. I felt that I'm accomplishing my goal, there are 4 more days to go and I'm very happy with my body at this time.
I don't think I would like to do another set of hCG 21 days program because I don't need to lose more fat. I'm just going to continue with the hCG maintenance phase which is phase 2 and work out.
If you are reading this hCG success experience and you need to lose more body fat, it will be fun to continue another set of hCG sublingual.
For example, my sister is the double size of what I was and I will send her 2 hCG sublingual products. This afternoon I met with my trainer and I was showing him my hCG bottle. He realized that he gave me the wrong dosis.
I have been actually taking ½ of the dosis per day and I was shock because even if I'm taking ½ of the dosis, I have lost a lot of fat and weight in just two weeks.
And I told him, imagine my hCG success if I would have taken the right dosis? We will never know, but things happen for a reason. Even if this happened, I'm happy the way I look right now and the hCG success results I have been getting in this short period of time.
I worked out with my trainer as usual and after that i prepared myself a healthy dinner "salad with turkey." I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and I went to bed.
I'm excited to see results tomorrow with the right hCG dosis. Remember never get discouraged for the weight loss. You need to keep yourself motivated, by looking yourself naked in the mirror. The power to continue will come from your heart.
Day 18, Thursday
Today I woke up early in the morning again before my alarm when off. I feel having a lot of extra energy lately which has helped me to increase productivity in my job.
Maybe it is because I'm in better shape or the B12 vitamins included in the hCG sublingual formula. I took my first hCG dosis in the morning and weighted myself as usual.
I'm still the same weight, I looked myself in the mirror and I can see my ribs showing up and a very well defined waist. I'm really happy the way I look now.
I'm following the hCG diet plan step by step and im excited because I have 3 more days to start the hCG maintenance program.
On Monday I will get the supplies for the maintenance program which includes vitamins, herb and minerals to help me with resetting my hypothalamus for hCG success.
My trainer and nutritionist will calculate the ideal daily calories consumption for my maintenance phase and it will take measurements and pictures to see the overall results after my 21 days hCG sublingual diet.
In the afternoon, I did my cardio and some weight lifting for 20 minutes. I'm trying to work out every day to build muscle and great body shape.
After working out, I prepared a delicious dinner which included tilapia and salad. I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and went to bed.
I'm very excited to see the final results. Keep focus and motivate yourself by reviewing the results you have been getting.
Day 19, Friday
I have 3 more days for my hCG success to go and I'm getting excited. I'm trying to keep myself away of food temptations so I don't break my diet especially on the last days.
This morning I weighted myself and looked myself in mirror as usual. In addition I took my first hCG sublingual dosis and went to work.
It is hard to find clothes to wear now because all my jeans are too big which make me smile every morning...I will need to go shopping again.
At lunch it was very hard to control myself because my coworkers had a picnic. They brought chili, pasta, desserts...a lot of desserts, chips and drinks.
I just brought a salad and that is what I had. It was very hard to not take any additional food. I had to leave the lunch room fast.
And then, in the afternoon I kept thinking about all the food it was in the lunch room. It is hard to not fall in temptations with food in these situations.
In the afternoon I worked out very hard with me trainer. Since I have set new goals of maintaining my weight in the maintenance phase and build muscle at the same time, I got a new exercise program that will be effective next week.
To ensure my hCG success I will need to do intensive cardio 2 times per week in addition to the normal weight lifting I'm used to. The maintenance program is right at the corner.
In just 2 more days I will be ready for it, and I will take measurements and pictures to share these with you. In addition, my trainer calculated the new daily calories value by using my current weight and height for my maintenance phase.
His advice was, "when you start the maintenance phase, you will need to maintain your food calories count at this new % to help reset your hypothalamus; DO NOT EAT ANYTHING that is not in the Maintenance Diet list."
In the evening I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and I went to bed.
Day 20, Saturday
Today I woke up around 9am and I took my first hCG sublingual dosis. I woke up with a lot of energy that I started cleaning my whole house.
I cleaned my fridge and food cabinets and started doing the new list of food for my maintenance program. I'm very excited because in 2 more days I will be under the maintenance phase diet which includes more food variety.
I weighted myself and I didn't see any weight changes. You may notice that the last few days I have maintained my weight but it is because I'm currently experience my menstruation cycle.
Women are usually more irregular in their weight loss, often not affecting any loss for 2 or 3 days, and then a sudden loss which reestablishes the normal average.
These hCG success fluctuations are due to variations in the retention and elimination of water which is more apparent in women than in men due to menstrual cycles.
The recommendation is continuing with the hCG sublingual diet. In the afternoon I prepared a new list of food to buy and some recipes for the maintenance phase.
I'm excited with the new phase coming up especially because it has more variety of food. In addition, I will intensify my exercise program to more cardio starting next week hCG success to stay in the best shape of my life after losing all these body fat.
I took my second hCG sublingual dosis at night and went to bed. The thought for today is "Once we have learned about the prize, we have to work diligently to keep our eyes focused on it because we could lose sight of it." So keep focus on your hCG success final goals and you will succeed.
Day 21, Sunday
Today it was an exciting day to end the 21 days hCG weightloss diet. In the morning I took my first hCG sublingual dosis and weighted myself.
More hCG success...I lost 1 pound!!! I couldn't believe it!! So I weighted myself many times to make sure it was right!! And yes I lost 1 more pound the last day on my hCG diet.
I called my family and my trainer just to share the news. I accomplished my weight goal and I felt so happy accomplishing my weight goal on my last day of the hCG diet program.
I really encourage anybody to try this diet. I'm shipping 4 hCG sublingual to my family this week. They want to try it as well.
I'm so ready to start my hCG maintenance phase 2 tomorrow. Now I have the list of what "not to eat" and "what to eat."
I need to make sure I also follow the hCG maintenance diet program step by step so I can keep my weight and hCG success for the long term.
This program includes vitamins, herbs and minerals to help me reset my hypothalamus in addition to a new daily calorie value already calculated by my trainer.
During this phase, I committed myself to increase my physical activity to hCG success to become fit after losing all these weight.
In the afternoon I went to a barbecue party, but I kept eating a lot of vegetables to fill myself before trying any of the greasy meat they had. I had a lot of water as well.
Remember that you cannot have any alcohol during this process...so stay away from alcohol. I'm looking forward to go to supermarket tomorrow to buy my new diet food for the hCG maintenance phase.
In the afternoon, I took pictures and measurements that I will be sharing with you soon. At night I took my second hCG sublingual dosis and went to bed.
Believe me, you cannot express in words the hCG success feeling of accomplishing the goal you set for yourself at the beginning of the 21 hCG diet program.
This is the first time I have succeeded in a diet program; this is the best hCG success reward ever.
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