Mix hCG
Can I Mix hCG With Salad or Vegetables?
Mix hCG With Food Diets
To answer your mix hCG questions related to salads, vegetables and different drinks is why am I here for.
It all depends! But be certain that while you are on the oral sublingual diet treatment for weight loss, together with the daily 500 very low calories per day hCG diet during phase 1 of the hCG sublingual diet you can mix many things.
Per example. Let's say that you have to prepare the 2 basics foods for the day. That's lunch and dinner.
What you have to do is to divide the calories count for the type of meats.
Let's take the two typical meats, chicken and turkey. Chicken have 31 calories per the ounce and turkey 35 calories per the ounce.
Considering you will need 6 oz. of chicken and 3½ oz. of turkey to make your lunch and your dinner for today.
Multiply 6 oz. chicken times 31 calories per ounce will give you about 186 calories.
Multiply 3½ oz. turkey times 35 calories per ounce will give you about 123 calories.
So, for the meats of the day you already have 309 calories to eat. The difference to 500 calories per day is 191.
Those remaining 191 calories will have to make for your 2 foods vegetable mix alone and, probably the fruit and the Melba toast you will also need.
Be sure to prepare your mix hCG of meats products and bag them by weight for the whole period to make it easier to handle!

How To Mix Fruits and Melba Toast on hCG Diet
We left with 191 calories per the day and for 2 food sessions right?
Let's say we are going to still use a fruit and a Melba toast to keep up with the day.
The fruit you decide, per example is fresh pineapple. You will need then 2/3 cup. 1 cup is 8 ounces. So divided by 3 is 2.66 and multiplied by 2 it will give you 5.3 ounces of pineapples.
Fresh pineapple have 9.25 calories per the ounce. Multiplied by 5.3 you will have 49 calories count.
Now, the Melba toast, 1 peace have 5 grams equal to 5 calories.
Subtracts this 49 calories from the pineapple and the 5 calories of the Melba toast from 191 above then you are left with 137 per the vegetables mix.
In addition, don't forget that is a vegetable mix for 2 food sessions you are looking for. So, this 137 calories should be divided by 2, leaving you about 69 to 70 calories per each food time.
How To Mix Vegetables on hCG Diet
Let's take a closed 70 calories to make it easier. And you want at least 3 vegetables right?
Your selections is: spinach 7 calories per ounce, tomatoes 5 calories per ounce and cucumbers 3 calories per ounce.
To make it even easier, divide 70 between 3 and you will have about 23 calories per vegetable to add to your mix hCG vegetables diet.
Finally, you will divide 23 calories by 7 and will give you 3.3 ounces of spinach.
You will divide 23 by 5, and will give you about 5 ounces of tomatoes and, 23 divided by 3 will give you about 8 ounces of cucumbers.
Now, you have the precise amounts for your vegetable mix hCG diet. Get 3.3 ounces of spinach, 5 ounces of tomatoes and 8 ounces of cucumbers.
This simple 3 mix hCG vegetables will give you a nice colored lunch to please your eyes and also your taste during next lunch.
You can add lemons drops to make it more tasty or even little bit of black pepper.
Oops! Forgot Dinner Mix Vegetables on hCG Diet
Let's take back the 70 calories for dinner time. And you still want at least 3 vegetables right?
Your selections this time is: onions 12 calories per ounce, red radishes 5 calories per ounce and cabbage 7 calories per ounce.
To make it easier, divide 70 between 3 and you will have about 23 calories per vegetable to add to your mix hCG vegetables diet.
Finally, you will divide 23 calories by 12 and will give you about 2 ounces of onions.
You will divide 23 by 5, and will give you about 5 ounces of red radishes and, 23 divided by 7 will give you about 3 ounces of cabbage.
Now, you have the precise amounts for your vegetable mix hCG diet. Get 2 ounces of onions, 5 ounces of red radishes and 3 ounces of cabbage.
This simple mix hCG vegetables will give you a nice colored dinner too.
You still can add lemons drops to make it more tasty or even little bit of black pepper to please your tongue.
Beauty Benefits of hCG Sublingual Mix
Do you see how complicated is to keep doing all these "ounces" estimates and mathematics every day for food time and cooking for the mix hCG diet?
As mentioned earlier, if you are taking hCG shots or hCG injections all these restrictions remain fix.
On the other hand and this is why we recommend the hCG sublingual diet for phase 1 and for phase 2 maintenance, you will not need all this suffering.
Our experience have shown and kept producing the same or better results by consuming enough vegetables to feel your food needs.
In addition, we have developed a superb hCG mix Book Recipes for lunches and dinners including a wide variety of mix vegetables and mix fruits for your perfect selection with your hCG mix vegetables and fruits diets to keep your daily calories count to perfect daily 500 VLCD.
Before printing, only 100 copies only of this .pdf hCG diet recipes book will be given for free! If you are interested to have whether a hard copy or soft copy of this revolutionary hCG diet recipes book you should register now.
I recommend you to contact us get into the waiting list right away. Be sure to tell us "to include your name on the list for the book" within the form.
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